Thursday, June 16, 2016

Why It's NOT Gloom and Doom

"What is this world coming to??"
"I sure hope Jesus comes back soon." 
"I'm not going to have kids (or any more kids) because I don't want them growing up in this world we live in."
"The world is going to hell in a hand basket."
"Lord, deliver us." 
"This is it...the end is here."
"What is this world coming to??"

These are just a few of the fleeting statements I have either thought myself or have heard very often in the last few years.  As a matter of fact, if we are being REALLY honest..which, we are, I thought one of these thoughts this morning after reading a news post on social media.

Is it really that bad 'out there'?? Well, I guess it depends on what you hear and what media source you're plugged into.  I will say, it often feels like it's getting far worse than it is getting better.  Though, sometimes I shock myself with my "I can't believe this is happening!!" attitude after whatever news story hits my feed.  After all, C.S. Lewis who I admire and respect, said, "Jesus Christ did NOT say,  Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right."

We LIVE in a fallen world.  We are fallen people living in a fallen world.  So, what are we to do?

 In 1 Peter 1:13, it says, "Therefore with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at His coming."

One of the things we are to do is to be alert, watchful, fully sober, and ready for Jesus Christ to come.

However, we are not to be alert, be watchful, fully sober on our pretty little front porch while claiming all things gloom and doom as we watch the world and the people in it wither.

Nope.  Not today. Not any day.

Again, let's go with honesty (the truth will set you free, yes?).  I am not great at this.  I mean good grief, I already deal with the looming possibility of the anxiety breaker about to trip in my head on a daily basis.  I get worried sick, scared, fearful of what my kids will see and go through. I mentally write off all plane rides, trips, the ability for my kids to EVER have a phone in their hands, much less the internet, anyone who isn't in our inner circle and those I couldn't Facebook stalk comb through their social media sites before dealing with them.   I try to shelter them, myself, my family, and pretend that what is going on around me and in our communities, actually isn't.

I'm not sure you guys; that right there might be a scarier place to reside and place our heart if we really think about it.  Obviously, I agree that precautions need to be taken, but one (like myself) could go a little overboard when we have the instant ability to pick up our phones and read/watch the news in real time.

So, I have a question.  Jesus did not call us to a spirit of timidity, did He? Scared to death of what is to come?  So many verses from God's word tumble in when I think about how we, as Christians, are to be and to act in what seems like a chaotic and confusing time all around the nation and the world.  One in particular: "For the Spirit God did not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

I recently watched pastor Todd White's testimony online.  If you haven't seen it, look it up on good ol' YouTube.  It is fascinating and incredibly encouraging.  During one part leading into his story, he quoted John 16:33; "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have OVERCOME the world."  After that verse was read, he asked the following question that made me step back a whole minute and grab my convicted heart off the ground.

He asked, "So, if He overcame it......why are we so threatened by it?"

Why are we threatened when we KNOW the end result? The end result is victory!  "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave or forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8  

He has not only seen it and knows it, He is IN it, friends!

We could all stay right here, call it a day, and know that when the next disturbing, upsetting, and destructive thing happens, we can say, "My Lord, He has victory; this world has already been overcome by Him!" Which is great within itself, right?

Even though this is where it seems this blog post should end, it doesn't.  I don't think we are to only know and believe that we have victory in every circumstance and just sit with that in relief.  SITTING with that fact in mind, is not the answer.

This is where it gets exciting.  These are the times that we, as Christians, should stand UP together and lock arms and show the world that we are ready to MOVE.  But not in flippant FB political rants, or verbal disgust and condemnation, but in LOVE.  TRUTH in LOVE.  I'm not here, put on this Earth, to condemn anyone.  That's not my job, nor do I want it to be my job.  There's one judge, and I'm not Him.  What I am here to do...what WE are here to do, is to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  I don't only want to believe the Gospel, I want to WALK the Gospel out.   I want the entire world to see us, Christians, and say, "If this is Jesus, I want it.  And I want to run as fast as I can to it." 

I challenge myself and you friends, don't let anyone leave your presence not knowing your love for The Lord and for His people.

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."  John 13:35

Friends, instead of sitting and receiving the bad news, let us ACT and be the good news. 

I'll leave you with this last quote from St. Teresa of Avila that I think pretty much sums this whole thing up as we see our nation and the world as a Christian:

"Christ has no body now, but yours. 
No hands, no feet on Earth, but yours.  
Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. 
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. 
Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. 
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body. 
Christ has no body now on Earth but yours."

There is still a lot of good things happening on this beautiful planet that God created; go and find it.  And better yet, BE it.  

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